Book your hotel room at the Wittelsbacher Hof Oberstdorf

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FAQ about booking

Online booking

Your booking is binding, subject to confirmation.
You will receive a message shortly.

Trip cancellation

We recommend that you take out travel cancellation insurance!


+49 8322 6050


+49 8322 605200
Booking conditions

Your booking is binding, subject to confirmation from the service provider.
You will receive a message shortly.

General booking conditions

  1. The guest accommodation contract is concluded as soon as the service has been ordered (booking) and confirmed (confirmation).
    Both verbal and written forms are binding for the confirmation.
  2. The conclusion of the guest accommodation contract obliges the contracting parties to fulfill the contract, regardless of the duration of the contract.
  3. The landlord is obliged to pay compensation to the guest if the service is not provided.
  4. If the contractual services are not used, the guest is obliged to pay the agreed or customary price, less the expenses saved by the landlord.
    According to experience, the savings amount to 10% of the overnight price for overnight stays (apartment), 20% of the overnight price for bed and breakfast, 30% for half board and 40% for full board.
  5. The landlord is obliged in good faith to reallocate unused services as far as possible in order to avoid losses.
  6. Until the services are rented to another party, the guest must pay the amount calculated in accordance with clause 4 for the duration of the contract.
  7. The exclusive place of jurisdiction is the place of business.
    We recommend that you take out travel cancellation insurance!